Estate Planning

Marriage and Wills

Marriage and Wills – What you need to know

At Prestige Legal Services, we understand the complexities surrounding Marriage and Wills. Life events such as marriage can significantly impact Wills. It’s crucial to be aware of these changes to ensure your wishes are honoured. In this article, we explore the effects of Marriage and Wills, the concept of revocation, and the importance of estate […]


 The Evolution and Essentials of Trusts: A Guide for Estate Planners from Prestige Legal Services

Trusts are a fundamental component of estate planning, with a rich history rooted in the feudal system of medieval England. Originally designed to ensure that property was handled according to the wishes of the landowner, trusts today are sophisticated tools used to manage assets, protect wealth, and plan for future generations. At Prestige Legal Services, […]

Will Dispute

Disputes in Wills: Choosing the right legal partner to prevent disputes

Here at Prestige Legal Services, we are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality legal advice and support. In this article we’ll touch upon circumstances where disputes might arise and why it’s important to choose a partner who can help prevent circumstances where disputes might arise. Wills are intended to provide clarity and certainty regarding […]

Inheritance Tax

Navigating Inheritance Tax: Practical Considerations for Residents in England and Wales

Inheritance Tax (IHT) planning is a crucial aspect of estate planning that demands careful attention and consideration. Residents of England and Wales should be aware of its implications to ensure their assets are protected and their loved ones are not burdened with unnecessary tax liabilities. In this article, we will explore the fundamental aspects of […]

Transferring Property

The Risks of Transferring Property to Your Children: Lessons from a Contentious Court Battle

A recent legal dispute highlighted by the Daily Mail underscores the potential hazards associated with transferring property to one’s children. In this particular case, an 82-year-old grandmother named Norma Gibbons found herself forcibly removed from her cherished £1.4 million home of four decades following a bitter court battle with her daughter, Dawn Gibbons. The circumstances […]

Taking Good Instructions - Josie Phuller

New Associate Training Session

We are delighted to confirm that our next associate training event is live and can be booked here. Prestige Legal Services is thrilled to announce its latest associate event, led by Josie Phuller, a highly experienced legal professional and a valuable member of our team. This exclusive session, titled “Taking Good Instructions” is designed to […]